Ministerial Internship Program (MIP)
The underlying philosophy of the MIP has always been to provide ministerial preparation by practical training on the local-church level, combined with academic self-study and monthly training seminars, focusing on vital topics for spiritual leadership and ministerial effectiveness.
In 1978, the Ministerial Internship Program (MIP) was mandated by the General Assembly as a requirement for advancement from exhorter rank to the status of ordained minister.
The program has been expanded to eighty-one countries and translated into eighteen languages.
Purposes for MIP are to . . .

MIP is comprised of three parts:
Specializations in the Ministerial Internship Program:
In an effort to broaden the ministerial training experience, specializations in ministries will be offered in the MIP. The specializations are (1) Assistant pastor ministry, (2) Chaplaincy, (3) Children’s ministry, (4) Christian education ministry, (5) Church planting, and (6) Youth ministry. If applicants want to specialize in one of these ministries, they should contact the state MIP coordinator in their states.