Calling and Ministry Studies for Students
A leadership pipeline designed to help individuals, at a young age, identify, answer, and develop the call of God on their lives. This ministry formation process will ultimately lead to equipping and empowering young leaders into healthy ministries around the world.
It is comprised of four phases: Explore, Equip, Engage and Empower. This process will provide partnerships, networking, internship, and licensure. It will enhance the ability for the younger generation to serve through their calling.
Four Phases
Calling and Ministry Studies for Students
CALLING and MINISTRY STUDIES for STUDENTS is designed to help high school and college students, aged 16-20, to identify, affirm, and define their calling. The program consists of four monthly seminars with four phases: EXPLORE, EQUIP, ENGAGE, and EMPOWER. This study will engage the younger generation, not only to identify the call of God, but also to start preparation in developing a healthy self-awareness while building a strong foundation for successful vocational and credentialed ministry in the Church of God.
In a recent survey called “The Open Generation” by Barna, nearly 25,000 teens, aged 13–17, in 26 countries and speaking 17 different languages were interviewed. These Bible-engaged teens overwhelmingly believe the Bible teaches about:
- Living a meaningful life (84%)
- Understanding their purpose (84%)
- Living wisely in society (80%).
Many young leaders already know they are called of God. The Church of God Division of Education wants to come alongside these younger generational leaders to help them identify and develop their specific calling. We want to partner with parents, pastors, CAMS state coordinators, Youth and Discipleship leaders, and state/regional administrative bishops to recruit and engage these students in this ministerial formation process.
A Ministerial Development program with four phases, EXPLORE, EQUIP, ENGAGE, and EMPOWER. This will be implemented in four monthly seminars. (The ENGAGE phase is an internship in the local church and can continue beyond the four monthly seminars.)
EXPLORE–(Identify) PHASE 1
This seminar/phase will deal with how the Bible speaks into the personal identity of an individual. We believe this can start at a young age.

SEMINAR TWO (Seminar Via Zoom)
EQUIP–(Develop) PHASE 2
This seminar/phase is to develop personal and spiritual growth to ensure potential young leaders stay empowered by the Spirit, be doctrinally sound, and keep missional-minded. A study of six ministry principles outlined in the book, CALLED, will begin in this seminar. Seminar two will discuss chapters 1-3 via Zoom (Seminar three will continue this discussion in chapters 4-6 via Zoom). Church of God leaders have written a Reflection on chapters 1-6 and recorded a video as well. Remember to read the Reflections on chapters 1-3 and watch the videos on

SEMINAR THREE (Seminar Via Zoom)
In seminar three, discussion continues with the principles of ministry in chapters 4-6 in the textbook, CALLED. Remember to read the reflections on chapters 4-6 and watch the videos on

During this one or two-day event, students will review and participate in CALLED: Six Principles of Ministry, Certificate in Ministry Studies revised course, basic leadership assessments, specialized ministries overview, discussion panels, and a commissioning service. The study guide and credentialing application for Exhorter, first level of credentialing in the Church of God, will be introduced.

This phase is designed to provide ministerial preparation by practical training in the local church. Teenagers/young adults who have discovered and identified a specific calling will have the opportunity to serve and occupy an assignment in that area of ministry in the local church as an intern during the Calling and Ministry Studies for Students program. This internship will be under the direct supervision of the local pastor and/or staff and the state CAMS coordinator. A quarterly report form should be sent to your state CAMS for Students coordinator.

During “Phase 4–Empower,” the student enters the application process with the state/regional office and receives a thorough evaluation by the local church mentoring/ministry team. Once approved by the state office, application for ministry will be sent to the International Offices. The student will then be given the opportunity to test for the first level of credentialing (Exhorter) in the Church of God at the appropriate age. The goal of this program is to train healthy young ministers to serve in their vocational calling.

If students are interested in enrolling in CAMS for Students, they should talk with their pastor. The pastor will contact the state office for the application.